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The key to building a sustainable educational foundation is to ensure the basic skills for English and Mathematics are solidified as early as possible. We are providing best maths and English tutoring.

In English, we help students perfect their skills in SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar), while extending their reading comprehension skills, including their ability to retrieve information and make inferences from information within the text. In Mathematics, we encourage students with their times tables, show students how to develop their methods and techniques in problem solving and help them to apply these skills to the learning objectives that are relevant to each year group.
Our primary tutoring sessions are deliberately designed to be engaging, differentiated and fun, to help students stay focused on their learning. We want students to be confident in their own abilities and endeavour to promote enjoyment through independent learning, providing guidance to correct mistakes and rewarding every success.

What are SATs?

Learn more about SATs tutoring by following this link About SATs
SATs (Statutory Assessment Tests) determine how well your child has understood each learning objective in Mathematics and English as they are set forth in the Curriculum.
The KS2 SATs tests assess your child’s learning in Reading, Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar and Mathematics. Their score will determine their level of knowledge and understanding and will be used by secondary schools to best support their ongoing academic learning.

Each student will receive a scaled score that will show whether they are performing at the expected level determined by the government. A scaled score of 100 represents the expected achievement standard.
In 2017, test results showed that 61% of students received a score of 100 and above and were performing at or above the expected standard. The National average scores were 104 in Reading, 106 in Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar, and 104 in Mathematics.

While SATs results, alongside CATs (Cognitive Assessment Tests), are an indication of how well your child is performing in school, it by no means determines their future progress in secondary school. Instead, it is a guideline for the government to measure the performance of schools across the country and give a broad picture of your child’s attainment.

We offer concentrated SATs training for the KS2 SATs exams to fully prepare our students.

We help to banish exam stress by helping our students become confident with the SATs structure and format.

We provide best SATs revision and armed with previous exam papers, a wealth of experience and the examiner commentaries, we help students become confident in their abilities. We don’t just cover the content, we show them how to understand each question and how to gain maximum marks using the correct techniques.

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